Network of CER Regional Hubs

For emergency response to culture in crisis to succeed, local infrastructures need to be present and strong. Local actors can respond quickly and effectively when they are prepared and resourced.

We envision an international cultural emergency response in which local stakeholders have agency over the protection and development of their heritage. Therefore, we partner with local heritage rescue organisations around the world to decentralise emergency response activities by supporting the development and sustainability of regional capacities and infrastructures. Together, we are creating a network of regional coordination points for cultural emergency response which can mobilise in the event of crisis and support heritage stewards globally.

Decentralisation is the future of heritage rescue.

Decentralisation makes cultural emergency response faster, more locally driven, and better tailored to community needs. The Network of CER Regional Hubs advances this approach by developing regional response mechanisms, strengthening networks of experts and institutions, and sharing knowledge, resources, and tools. They also engage international heritage stakeholders at a regional level to enhance collaboration and coordination in heritage protection.

CER recognises the Regional Hubs as leaders in this field and supports their work through funding, training, mentorship, network-building, and advocacy.

The network also serves as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. It enables Regional Hubs to share best practices and insights from their work while mobilising support for heritage stewards facing crises worldwide. Together, the hubs form a responsive network of experts who provide resources and guidance to their peers. The current network includes Regional Hubs in Central America, the Levant, the Western Balkans, the Caribbean, and the Black Sea.

What are Regional Hubs?

Regional Hubs are hosted by established civil society organisations active in their national and regional heritage sectors. They play a central role in coordinating and strengthening cultural emergency response mechanisms, always working with the full consent of local governments, authorities, and communities.

With deep-rooted connections to local stakeholders and communities, Regional Hubs have a strong understanding of regional needs, priorities, and contexts. At the same time, they engage with major international organisations, fostering coordination and diverse partnerships.

Regional Hubs are strategically placed in regions prone to crises and operate as key centres for cultural emergency response. They collaborate with CER to scout and select projects and partners, coordinate emergency interventions, and strengthen regional cultural emergency response ecosystems.

We are looking for strong partnerships. If you want to know more or are interested in working with us, please reach out.